1.We are teenagers and at first when I was standin gin that stage of life where I had to decide what path of my life to go to i chose it to be the right path and to stay on track.
2.We are different because he travels finds how life is on hes own he experiences life, he learns from the hard way and we learn it the easy way, we go to school. He didn't. He experienced hes life on hes own.
3.Yes i agree with him because of what he starts he finishes.
4.Yeah, I would make the same decision as him for people can depend on me on anything.
5.When you really want a person to stay with you but that person has to leave you just have to trust em and make him do hes decision and god will thank you for letting him do what he gotta do, if you guys don't meet soon you will.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009

This picture is for the story the alchemist it kinda
goes with the book cause santiago wants
to become an alchemist and thats what these
two guys are. They are alchemist thats why
they are mixing up chemicals. They work to make
alot of things from the natural history. Unlike Santiago he wants to learn the language of the world and its called "LOVE♥". Santiago is the type guy whom what he starts he ends. He never gives up on somebody who really depends on him. Thats what this piture means.
Friday, March 6, 2009
i think the book teenagers is a really
good book because it talks about what
we are goin through and i like it im
really gettin into it its dope it describes
these 8 teens that are ust tryna fit in
this world but they always gotta figured
it out by the hard way they are always arguing with
teir parents they just wanna be normal
people like any other if one of their
friends have a car they want one too
because of parties, its hard to get to a
place where they wanna go. They are
really outgoing even though sometimes they
stick into their friends relationship. I like it too because
its what they did and went through in their
highschool years and now its what we are going through now.
good book because it talks about what
we are goin through and i like it im
really gettin into it its dope it describes
these 8 teens that are ust tryna fit in
this world but they always gotta figured
it out by the hard way they are always arguing with
teir parents they just wanna be normal
people like any other if one of their
friends have a car they want one too
because of parties, its hard to get to a
place where they wanna go. They are
really outgoing even though sometimes they
stick into their friends relationship. I like it too because
its what they did and went through in their
highschool years and now its what we are going through now.
Friday, February 20, 2009
WEll Ab0Ut My LifE, i LikE My LifE jUSt thE WAy it iS i hAVE A VERY ChiLL PERS0NALity i l0VE t0 hAVE fUN i l0VE t0 PARty &&Nd kiCk it With My fRiENdSz i tHiNk i hAVE A REALLy d0PE LifE &&Nd y0U kN0E y0U WiSh Y0U WERE iN My Sh0ESSS hA, WEll i l0VEt0 G0 0Ut &&Nd ALL iM A VERy kOOL Chikk 0NCE WE kikk it hA hA WELLL ThaTsZ ALL i G0ttA SAy PEACE y0hhh.<3
Friday, February 13, 2009
dAMN t0M0RR0WS VALENtiES dAY &Ndd iM StiLL SiNGlE yEy ME WELL. Wh0 EVEN kARESz itSz jUSt ANy0thER dAY it iS N0 diffERENCE S0 i dNt kARE!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
ThE tYPESz 0f b00KSz i W0Uld likE t0 REAdd ARE ANdd hAVE t0 bE Ab0Ut GANGS 0R Vi0LENCE ANdd i W0Nt REAd ANy tyPE 0F b00K UNLESS iTS LiKE AN ACti0N b00K thEy ARE b0MbSz; i 0NCE REAd A b00k Ab0Ut l0VE ANdd i didNt LikE iT bECAUSE iTS jUSt R0MANCE At fiRSt thEN At thE ENdd itS PURE CRUELity ANdd bR0Ken hEARtSz. i d0Nt LikE t0 REAd MUCh AS i WiSh t0. i LiKE t0 WRitE 0N bLACkk b00kSz thE MOSt tHE ENdd.<333
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